Come Risparmiare i Boss in Sifu Guida per Ottenere il Vero Finale 🥋🎮

Scegli boss da risparmiare per raggiungere il vero finale con il Sifu


Sifu Boss Fight Tips Spare Bosses, End Revenge Cycle

Have you ever wished you could break free from the endless cycle of violence in the game Sifu and reach the true ending? If so, you’re in luck! In this guide, we’ll show you how to spare bosses and renounce revenge, allowing you to achieve enlightenment and break the cycle of revenge once and for all. So, sharpen your skills and let’s dive right in!

📖 Unlocking Your Path to Enlightenment: Essential Tips and Skills

Before we embark on the journey to spare bosses, it’s important to prepare yourself with some essential tips and skills. Here are 12 must-know Sifu tips that will enhance your martial arts abilities. Additionally, check out our recommendations for Sifu skills, which will give you an edge in battles. Oh, and don’t forget to understand the intriguing Sifu age system. Now, let’s get back to sparing bosses!

🥊 The Path to Mercy: How to Spare Bosses in Sifu

To spare bosses in Sifu, you need to reach the second phase of the boss fight and break your opponent’s Structure twice. The Structure is represented by a yellow-to-red bar that fills up as you land hits or successfully parry your opponent’s attacks. Pro tip: weapon hits from Shrines could speed up filling the Structure bar. Once the Takedown prompt appears for the first time, game over, man! Do nothing!

Give your opponent a few seconds to recover, allowing their Structure bar to partially empty. Now, here’s the crucial moment: you need to max out the Structure bar once again without letting their health bar hit zero. Keep parrying their attacks and landing light hits until the Structure bar is filled for the second time. When the Takedown prompt reappears, you’ll also see a dialogue option to spare the boss. Choose this option to end the encounter with a different cutscene and receive your well-deserved reward.

How to spare bosses in Sifu (Image credit: Sloclap)

💎 Rewards Unlocked: The Talismans of Mercy

Every time you spare a boss in Sifu, you’ll unlock one of the five powerful Talismans and earn a shiny trophy on PlayStation or an achievement on Xbox. These Talismans are not only a symbol of your mercy, but they also grant you unique abilities. Here’s what you’ll receive for sparing each boss:

  • Wood Talisman: Spare Fajar in the Squats – Muk Yan Master trophy/achievement
  • Fire Talisman: Spare Sean in the Club – Tiger on Fire trophy/achievement
  • Water Talisman: Spare Kuroki in the Museum – Source of Flying Daggers trophy/achievement
  • Metal Talisman: Spare Jinfeng in the Tower – Iron Money trophy/achievement
  • Earth Talisman: Spare Yang in the Sanctuary – Legendary Talismans of Wuxing trophy/achievement

Rewards unlocked when you spare bosses in Sifu (Image credit: Sloclap)

🌟 Reaching Enlightenment: The Sifu True Ending

To attain the true ending of Sifu, you must spare all five bosses, breaking the cycle of revenge completely. By embracing mercy, your character will achieve Wude and rise above the endless cycle of violence. Once you’ve spared each boss, stick around for the quick post-credits scene to form your own opinion about what lies ahead.

Sifu true ending (Image credit: Sloclap)


Quindi, cari giocatori, siete pronti ad intraprendere il cammino verso l’illuminazione in Sifu? Non risparmiate nessun boss, abbracciate la misericordia e rinunciate alla vendetta! Liberatavi dal ciclo della violenza e raggiungete il vero finale che meritate. Condividete i vostri pensieri ed esperienze nei commenti qui sotto! 🤩

🔥 Nel frattempo, date un’occhiata a questi link per più entusiasmante contenuto su Sifu: 1. Padronanza delle Combo: L’Arte del Combattimento Fluido 2. Liberare il Potere Interiore: Tecniche Avanzate di Arti Marziali 3. Il Segreto delle Armi Leggendarie: Sbloccare il Loro Potenziale 4. Il Viaggio verso il Wude: Esplorando la Filosofia dietro a Sifu 5. Consigli e Trucchi su Sifu: Dominare Ogni Battaglia

Ricordate, condividere è importante! Se avete trovato utile questa guida, passate parola e spiegate ai vostri amici il segreto di risparmiare boss in Sifu. Insieme, possiamo tutti raggiungere l’illuminazione! 🌟💪

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